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Computer MCQs for JKSSB, UPSC, PSC and University Exams p1

Computer MCQs for JKSSB, UPSC, PSC and University Exams.

Hi dear friends, this section of 1000 MCQ'S contains multiple choice questions related to computer science subject.
Computer MCQs for JKSSB, UPSC, PSC and University Exams

Q1. Who is known as Father of Artificial Intelligence?

Q2. Which of the following is system software?

Q3. The oldest form of computer language is called

Q4. What is the term used for a half byte?

Q5. .......... is a volatile memory

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Basic Applications of Computer and its Components.

Q6. Tally is a / an ..........

Q7. A spurious computer program that replicates itself at a swift pace is called?(JKSSB PAA 2020)

Q8. The main purpose of supercomputer is

Q9. Which of the following keyboard shortcuts displays the start menu in the Windows operating system?

Q10. The Central Processesing unit consists of

Q11. A system program designed to aid the programmer in finding and correcting errors or bugs is known as

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Input and Output Devices

Q12. The internet uses ?

Q13. Who is the inventor of World Wide Web (WWW)?

14. Which of the following is a Graphical Package ?

Q15. Removing unwanted area of a picture is called.

16. Floppy disk contains

17. Computer gets ......... with the help of mouse or keyboard.

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PDF, Internet and E-mail

18. To execute a given DOS program , you must type a(n) ?

Q19. What is FTP in data communications(JKSSB PAA 2020)

Q20. Junk E-mail is also called as ?

Q21. Which of the following performs modulation and demodulation?

Q22. Motherboard used in computers is(SSC)

Q23. In the MAC address of a computer, MAC is an acronym for which of the following?(JKPSI 2022)

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Concept of Computer Virus and latest Anti-Virus.

Q24. A bar code reader is an example of

Q25. Each page of a Microsoft PowerPoint is called a ____.(JKPSI 2022)

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