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Define Printer - Data Entry Operator Syllabus

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A printer is a device that outputs text or graphics onto paper or other media. There are many different types of printers available, including inkjet printers, laser printers, and thermal printers. 
  • Inkjet printers use ink cartridges to spray tiny droplets of ink onto the page to create the text or images. These printers are generally less expensive to buy and operate, but the ink can be expensive and the print quality may not be as high as other types of printers. 
  • Laser printers use toner, a dry powdery substance, to create the text and images on the page. Laser printers are generally more expensive to buy than inkjet printers, but they are faster and more efficient, producing high-quality prints at a lower cost per page. 
  • Thermal printers use heat to transfer ink from a ribbon onto the page to create the text or images. These printers are often used in point-of-sale (POS) systems, ticket printers, and other applications where speed and durability are important. 
  • There are also 3D printers, which use a variety of materials, such as plastic or metal, to create physical objects by depositing layers of material on top of each other. These printers are mainly used in manufacturing and prototyping, but they are also being used in a growing number of other applications. 
Regardless of the type, most printers are connected to a computer or other device using a wired or wireless connection, and they can be controlled using software programs or apps.
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