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KVS Pedagogy Questions Asked in Exams

KVS Pedagogy Questions Asked in Exams

1. Secondary socialization of the child focuses on learning appropriate behaviour as a member of:

(a) small group within smaller society
(b) small group within larger society
(c) large group within larger society
(d) large group within smaller society

2. In the context of human development, to explore age-related changes, several different age groups are studied at one time. This can be done by:

(a) cross-sectional design
(b) quasi-experimental design
(c) longitudinal desgn
(d) cross-sequential design

3. One of the first ways in which human infants demonstrate that they have diferent personalities is in their

(a) learning skills 
(b) speech
(c) mental health
(d) temperament

4. In the context of growth of human child, growth is

(1) slow and in geometrical progression.
(2) thythmic and regular.
(3) rapid and exponential.
(4)steady and unidirectional.

5. In the context of human development which one of the following is an incorrect statement ?

(1) Development as a term which carries more comprehensive meaning than the term growth.
(2) Development does not exhibit steadiness and uniformity.
(3) The results of developiment are difficult to assess and measure.
(4) Development is associated with qualitative improvement only.

6. For developing writing skills among class V students which one of the following activity will be most appropriate ?

(1) Asking the students to write and describe the title "My one day at Moon".
(2)Asking the students to write an essay on any Indian festival.
(3)Asking the students to share their experience, in writing of the school in which they are enrolled.
(4) Asking the students to describe, in text, their views on "Indian Democracy".

7. For organizing developmental tasks for class VII students, which one of the following will not be effective enough for their personality development ?

(1) Giving the students lectures on accepting failures as part of life.
(2) Asking the students to share their past negative experience and how did they cope?
(3) Motivating the students to discuss their vision of society.
(4) After teaching a concept, asking the students to frame questions from that concept

8. A teacher has divided the students into above average achievers, average achievers and below average achievers in his teaching subject. The teacher organizes his teaching accordingly. The students are not aware ot this division. The teacher is promoting

(1) performance of the students.
(2) competition amorng the students.
(3) mental health of the students.
(4) his control over the class.

9. To promote presentation skills among class VIl students, a teacher assigns some topics to them. After few days, he asks the students to present the topics assigned to them. During presentation by the students, teacher gives them feedback, asks other students to question and evaluates those assignments. In this context, which of the following is an incorrect statement ?

(1) The classroom environment is source of reinforcement for the students
(2)The classroom environment is motivational for the students.
(3) The classroom environment is nurturing diversity among the students.
(4) The classroom environment is promoting cognitive tendencies among the students.

10. A child learns the attitudes, values and actions appropriate to individuals as members of a particular culture through :

(1) secondary socialization.
(2) anticipatory socialization.
(3) group socialization.
(4) primary socialization.

11. The pattern of human development is .......... advancement.

Fill in the blank with correct option
(1) spiral
(2) rectilinear
(3) concentric
(4) linear

12. Which one of the following is the real starting point and basis for all the growth and development that takes place in the life of a child ?

(1) Biolegical tactors
(2) Intelligence factors
(3) Bnvironmental factors
(4) Heredity factors

13. Anil, sits with his father in car and his father drives the car. Anil criticizes his father for speeding because speeding is against the stated laws. Anil is at

(1) preliminary level of morality.
(2) conventional level of morality.
(3) pre-conventional level of morality.
(4) post-conventional level of morality.

14. In the context of Erikson's Psychological stages of childhood, it is observed that children feel irresponsible and anxious. This indicates that developmental crisis ................... has influenced the children.

Fill in the blanks with correct option.
(1) industry versus inferiority
(2) trust versus mistrust
(3) autonomy versus shame
(4) initiative versus guilt

15. In the context of Erikson's Psychological stages of childhood, the developmental crisis 'autonomy versus shame and doubt is associated with stage:

(1) 5-12 years
(2) 1-3years
(3) 12-15 years
(4) 3-5 ycars

16. Which of the following statements is true about assessment of learning as per RTE Act 2009 ?
(1) Every child shall be required to pass Board examination on completion of elementary education.
(2) Every child shall be required to pas 5oard examination on completion of primary and elementary education
(3) No child shall be required to pass any Board examination till completion of elementary education.
(4) No child shall be required to undergo any assessment of learning till completion of elementary education

17. The main purpose of constructivist approach is

(1) student empowerment.
(2) learning by doing a task individually.
(3) completing the course in time.
(4) maintaining discipline

18. Situation in teacher centred approach may be termed as :

(1) not situation specific.
(2) casual.
(3) learner triendly
(4) natural and contextual to learning

19. Which one of the following is not an experiential TLM ?

(2) Field trips
(3) Demonstrations
(4) Educational tours

20. Which is not an example of Assessment of learning ?
(1) Annual examination
(2) Admission test
(3) Assessment of homework
(4) Scholarship examination

21. Which of the following is not a part of unit plan ?

(1) List of proper units and sub-units
(2)ist of methods and techniques to be used
(3) List of co-curricular activities
(4) List of appropriate methods of assessment

22. Which of the following co-curricular activity is not apt for development of hobby ?

(1) Photography
(2) Fancy dress
(3) Stamp collection
(4) Album making

23. Which of the following is more correct about teaching?

(1) Teaching is an activity which invariably requires a teacher.
(2) Teaching is a process of involving students in classroom activities
(3) Teaching is a system of actions intended to produce learning.
(4) Teaching is meant for completion of prescribed syllabus.

24. A teacher finds that there are some students who create mischief, she/he should ..........

(1) warn them that they must study else the matter will be reported to the Principal.
(2) ask them to leave the class.
(3) ignore them.
(4) give them tasks in which they are interested.

25. The best remedy of students' problems related to learning is

(1) Suggestion for private tuition.
(2) suggestion for hard work.
(3) dagnostic teaching.
(4) supervised study in library.

26. A good school curriculum should agree with:

(1) available textbooks and materials
(2) the philosophy of the school.
(3) goals, purposes and interests of students
(4) teachers' qualifications and interests.

27. Effective learning in a classroom may be ensured by

(1) providing immediate feedback
(2) providing full freedom to students.
(3) providing free access to libraryo
(4) providing appropriato homework.

28. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation by nature is :

(1) Formative
(2) Creative
(3) Summative
(4) Both formative and summative

29. Which of the following statements depicts a major limitation of school timetable ?

(1) Limited duration of a period causes incompleteness in planned activities.
(2) Timetable creates obstacle in continuity.
(3) Timetable is a threat to flexibility.
(4) Timetable obstructs freedom for allocation of time as per children's interest

30. The main purpose of early childhood education is to

(1) provide nutritious food to children.
(2) emphasize the teaching of 3R's
(3) inprove children's socialization and perceptual abilities and create school readiness
(4) help parents from attending to children for a few hours.

31. Which one is not a phase of skill learning?

(1) Conjunctive
(2) Cognitive
(3) Associative
(4) Autonomous

32. Persons suffering from excessive shyness and having difficulties in interpersonal interactions are subjected to :

(1) implosive therapy
(2) aversion therapy
(3) systematic desensitisation
(4) assertive learning

33. While evaluating learning of students, one should not :

(1) be sernsitive to every studenť's response
(2) collect information in variety of ways.
(3) make comparison between them.
(4) provide feedback for doing better

34. While making grouping during multigrade teaching, techer should not :

(1) make groups of 4-5 students only.
(2) allow students to move from one group to another
(3) involve herself/ himself in group activities 
(4) check students interactions.

35. Which one of the following tools is best used for quantitative analysis of data ?

(1) Portfolio
(2) Assignment
(3) Questionnaire
(4) Project report

36. Mental health is a

(1) model
(2) concept
(3) theory
(4) standard

37. Autism Spectrum Disorder is a type of :

(1) physical disability.
(2) intellectual disability.
(3) learning disability.
(4) locomotor disability.

38. Which one of the following does not lead to the development of abstract thinking among the School students ?

(1) First, teaching the concept of ratio and proportion and ther tecaching the concept of exponents and powers.

(2) First, teaching the concept of fractions and then teaching the concept of rational numbers
(3) First, teaching the concept of symmetry and then teaching the concept of mensuration.
(4) First, teaching the concept of fractions and then teaching the concept of decimals.

39. There is a dire need to promote diversity in the educational institutions because of _________________

(1) globalization of education.
(2)mechanization of education.
(3) computerization of education
(4) digitalization of education.

40. Rajesh, a 12 years boy, is not enrolled in a school due to some circumstances. He has requisite computational skills and intends to enroll in a school to learn. Rajesh has an

(1) attitude for learning
(2) ability to learn.
(3) aptitudes for learning
(4) interest for learning

41. Rajesh puts himself down all the time. He is often negative and has no confidence in his ability to successfully complete the given tasks. Rajesh is demonstrating

(1) clinical depression
(2) introversion
(3) poor time management skills
(4) low self-esteem

42. Assertion (A): Inclusion as a philosophy cannot be discussed unless it is situated in the context of diversity.

Reason (R): The scope of diversity widens as marginalized social groups are a variety of strategies to make their issues acknowledged and accepted by the society.

Based on the above assertion (4) and reason (R), which one of the following option is correct ?
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (4) is false and (R) is true.
(4) (A) is true and (R) is false.

43. For promoting learning amongst the students through constructivism which one of the following will not be appropriate ?

(1) reversible thinking
(2) critical thinking
(3) associative thinking
(4) perceptual thinking

44. Cerebral Palsy is a type of

(1) intellectual disability.
(2) learning disability.
(3) locomotor disability
(4) multiple disability.

45. Which one of the following is the most appropriate teaching-learning scenario in a school classroom?

(1) There is voice ot the students only when they answer.
(2) There is no noise in the classroom.
(3) There is voice of the students when there is some debate in the classroom.
(4) There is voice of the students only when they are encouraged to question.

46. A school teacher wants his students to willingly take initiatives to engage themselves in learning. The teacher should promote ____________ in the classroom.

Fil in the blank with correct option:
(1) vicarious learning
(2) experiential learning
(3) problem-solving
(4) reception learning

47. In a school classroom scenario, the term "advance organizers is associated with

(1) experiential learning.
(2) vicarious learning
(3) meaningful learning.
(4) incidental learning

48. Prakash is mostly worried about what other think of him ? Prakash has :

(1) high ego
(2) restricted himself in a kind of solitary confinement
(3) low self-esteem
(4) low resilience

49. In classroom learning scenario, punishment is ;

(1) introduction of positive reinforcers and withdrawl of negative reinforcers.
(2) introduction of negative reinforcers and withdrawal of positive reinforcers.
(3) introduction of primary reinforcers and withdrawl of secondary reinforcers.
(4)introduction of secondary reinforcers and withdrawl of primary reinforcers

50. All of the following are the traits of a mentally healthy person except

(1) conscientiousness.
(2) artistic ability.
(3) emotional stability.
(4) agreeableness.

51. In what sense teacher provides mentor leadership ?

(1) He uses his mental capacities for teaching
(2) He imparts knowledge to students
(3) He imparts life skills to students
(4) He influences his learners with his own mental attitudes, knowledge, skills and character

52. For developing team spirit and co-operative learning among the students, which best option a teacher should adopt:

(1) Asking them to follow the written instructions for team work
(2) Asking students to discuss among themselves before answering any questions
(3) Conduct group based project activities
(4) Conducting field visit

53. "A teacher should be live and afresh besides becoming a learner from time to time-

who suggested this ?
(1) University Education Commission 1948-49
(2) Secondary Education Commission 1952-53
(3) Kothari Commission 1964-66
(4) NEP-2020

54. A teacher is like a burning lamp, lighting others and learning himself - this idea was given by :

(1) J. Krishnamurti
(2) S. Radhakrishnan
(3) RN. Tagore
(4) Swami Vivekanand

55. Drafting a school development plan is a responsibility of :

(1) School administrators on
(2) School administrators and principals
(3) Principals, teachers and parents
(4) Only school teachers

56. Which one of the following can contribute maximum for a school development plan ?

(1) An experiencèd school inspector
(2) A MEd degree holder
(3) Officials of Principals' association
(4) Senior school teachers, principal and parents

57. A school development plan includes:

(a) Developing a school calendar
(b) Making a list of holidays in a year
(c) Making school time table
(d) Rational use of budget provisions
(e) Thinking and devising ways of decorating classrooms
(1) a), (c), (d) and (e)
(2) (a), (b), (c) and (d)
(3) (a), (b), (c) and (e)
(4) (b), (c), (d) and (e)

58. Find the odd one out:

(1) Pedagogy
(2) Heutagogy
(3) Andragogy
(4) Ontology

59. The best way to maximise the use of community resources can

(1) Motivating parents to donate generously to school
(2) Asking parents to visit the school frequently
(3) Asking rich parents to donate books to school
(4) Asking parents to share their life events and skills with learners and teachers

60. Which one of the following can not be a teaching strategy ?

(1) Microteaching
(2) Ensuring brilliant success of all students
(3) Teaching topics other than syllabus
(4) Using pleasant tone in clas

61. A good teacher should not necessarily be :

(1) Resourceful
(2) Innovative
(3) Humble
(4) Knowledgeable 

62. TransformÄ…tional leadership does not include:

(1) Visioning, setting direction and restructuring
(2) Strict follow up to compliance of instructions
(3) Setting clear achievable education goals
(4) Assuring participation of all stakeholders

63. National Curricular and Pedagogical Framework for ECCE was developed by :

(1) NCTE
(2) RCI
(4) UGC

64. Which one of the following will come under democratic process?

(1) Adjustment
(2) Guidance
(3) Counselling
(4) Both guidance and counselling

65. Which one of the following concepts was near to the idea of sharing resources among schools ?

(1) School complex
(2) Neighbourhood complex
(3) Common school
(4) Community school

66. At the national level the practical solution of learning of languages at school stage is to make :

(1) Hindi compulsory for all
(2) English compulsory for all
(3) Hindi and English compulsory for all
(4) Making Hindi, English and one other regional language compulsory for all

67. Which document emphasized the role of library and books for school level learning?

(1) Kothari Commission
(2) NCF - 2005
(3) NPE-1 1986
(4) NEP-2020

68. Which document proposed the idea of "The child as a natural learner amid knowledge as the outcome of childrens activity ?

(1) National Education Commission-1966
(2) NPE-1986
(3) NPE - 2020
(4) NCF - 2005

69. In the light of "equitable and inclusive education and learning for all aim set by NEP 2020,

Match the following
Group A                       Group- B (Already matched)
(a) Aspirational Districts --- (iv) Geographical locations which require special interventions for promoting their educational development

(b) Gender inclusion Fund ---- (iii) To build nation's capacity to provide equitable quality education for all girls and transgender students

(c) Inclusion Fund ----- (ii) To address analogous access issues for the socio-economic disadvantaged groups

(d) Special Education zones ----- (i) Regions of country with large population from educationally and socio economically disadvantaged social groups

70. Which schedule of Indian constitution states that both state and central governments will invest in large number of language teachers in all regional languages across the country ?

(1) 8th Schedule
(2) 6th Schedule
(3) 5th Schedule
(4) 4th Schedule

71. Which one of the following statements is correct according to NEP-2020 ?

(1) Highest priority to achieve Universal Foundational literacy and numeracy in primary schools by 2025
(2) To ensure that all students are ready for school, an interim three months play based school preparation module for all grade I to be developed by NCERT and SCERTS
(3) A national repository of high quality resources on fundamental literacy and numeracy to be made for Knowledge sharing
(4) A pupil-teacher ratio (PTR) of under 401 will be ensured at the level of each school and a PTR of 30:1 for large number of socio economic disadvantaged children

72. As per NEP-2020, which one of the following will be a three year stage based on pedagogical and curricular style of the preparatory stage along with introduction of subject teachers

(1) Secondary
(2) Middle
(4) Foundational

73. Which one of the following is least important for the holistic development of a child ?

(1) Relations with classmates
(2) Family-school relationship
(3) Flexible lunch timings
(4) Teacher pupil relationship

74. In educational evaluation, which types of questions are recall based ?

(1) Fill in the blanks type questions
(2) Short answer questions
(3) Multiple choice questions
(4) Essay type questions

75. According to NEP-2020, which pupil teacher ratio (PTR) is aimed for in the context of schools in areas having a large number of disadvantaged students ?

(1) 20 : 1

(2) 25 : 1

(3) 10 : 1

(4) 30 : 1

76. Hidden curriculum is not primarily for :

(1) Implicit value
(2) Cognitive development
(3) Social awareness
(4) Developing ethical sense

77. Which provisions are there for children with disabilities under the Right to Education Act 2009 ?

(a) Free education
(b) No screening procedures
(c) Affidavit at the time of admission
(d) Special training for age appropriate environment

(a), (b) and (d) are correct

78. Which aim of education school find difficult to achieve in comparison to other aims

(1) Imparting skills
(2) Imparting knowledge
(3) imparting knowledge and skills
(4) Developing moral values

79. Which learning issue has been strongly advocated by NPE-2020

(1) Conducive Learning
(2) Holistic and Integrated learning
(3) Programmed Learning
(4) Practical Learning

80. Ultimately the learning process is based on which one of the following ?

(1) Teacher's treatment of child
(2) Genetic make up of the child
(3) Interaction of heredity and environment
(4) Environment of the child

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